Sunday, September 30, 2007

you know you are a dumbfuck when...

Well dear readers, I havent posted in a while, had a lot going on of late. Met a yummy male Dom. Spartacus looking hottie and smart and twisted in ways that just make you clench in places that dont often clench, it is so good.

Being travelling a good bit, and met a new fem sub as well. Now that brings Me to the title of this post. You know you are a dumbass when you just like to attempt to start shit for no reason at all. I wont go into details but a certain whiny bitch of a submissive recently showed just how far down the list he is in the food chain by exposing what he thought was negative information about Me...

Gee, somehow I dont see having a submissive go to McDonalds for Me as so wrong. Yes, I know the fat and carbs will kill you but I dont think I have ever had anyone "red" about it. Can you even imagine how fucking totally lame you would have to be to even make a comment like that? Oh no, not the dreaded Mickey D's run, the MD TREK OF DOOM? Say it isn't so...What an insane nightmare!!! I am a total fucking bitch, right?

Well I am shaking with laughter right now because everytime I think of that shit I just want to roll on the floor with laughter. Then I feel a twinge of aggravation because it makes Me want to just have a certain pal of Mine just squeeze him until his eyes bleed. But then the moment passes and I just take whatever else residues from his bullshit and pass it out to the poor slut that is suffering under Me at the time.

Works for Me...;)

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