Sunday, September 4, 2011

When is outing ok?

This just a question that I replied to in a Fetlife group. I find it interesting that there are those that seem to hold cyber discretion as a great responsibility while others choose to use this noble tenant as a licence to troll the net and weave their lies and mislead, manipulate and hoodwink others. Personally I think they should all be outed, within the confines of the community. Why is someone who displays no regard or respect  for the relationships they commit themselves to not held to a higher standard in this community?

We state relationship statuses on social profiles but what about those that dishonor those privileged positions?  What are the proper channels to cry foul?

There arent any. So dearies, I say. Say it loud and out the bitches for the lame asses they are......

If anyone goes looking they will have your forewarning.

After all, we are all our brother's keeper as well as being the keepers of cyber trusts.

Lady Friday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

outing is ALWAYS OK!!!!