Monday, May 20, 2013

Embrace It!!!!

My Femdom Erotica Stories

I have been writing for a while. I love it actually. Some stories present themselves more  easily than others but these three have been My favs. They are a combination of  several of some scenes that will forever be dear to Me. So, I decided to create an ebook to share them with the world.

The book is available on Amazon exclusively currently at

Office sucking Bitch for Me

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Beyond the Pale!

If you haven't heard, this Alabama teacher goes on rant about FLOTUS Michelle Obama and gays calling them abominations. Oh did I mention he called Michelle a fat ass gorilla? I am assuming he has gone blind and crazy from moonshine...Check it out.

Doesn't he just look so Christian, you know what I mean, not the good kind. Here is a site that is petitioning to have his butt thrown out of that school.

This man is spewing bigotry and hate to impressionable minds.The fact he hasnt been fired already tells me that when the buzz dies down the good ole boy system will re-instate him and sweep all this under rug as they are so used to doing.

Pass it on1